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Longer Lasting Tan

How Can I Extend The Life Of My Tan?

Just like anyone else, I would like to know how to extend the use of a product I’ve bought. This applies even more for a self-tanner because the longer a tan can last, the better. The right tan will make you feel flawless for days, so how can we achieve this?

Prep The Skin

I know what you must be thinking. “Why do I need to prep my skin for something that will only last a few days?” This is a misconception, and many people often forget how important prepping your skin before applying the self-tanner can be. Forgetting this step can be the reason why your tan lasts a few days instead of more than a week!



This is why I recommend that the first step be shaving or waxing the area you’ll be applying the product on. Having a clean base is ideal for anything that will be applied to the skin. Think of your makeup for example. Primers and moisturizers exist to hold your makeup for a longer period of time, and this is the same concept.

Another prep step I would include is exfoliating the skin. As mentioned before, the DHA reacts to your dead skin cells on your body. Nasty but true. Exfoliating your body beforehand will bring the new layer of skin cells and help create a smoother base. Our Exfoliating Body Wash is a good pair for our tanning solutions!



We know that we have to wait a few minutes before putting our clothes on and a few hours to take a shower after the self-tan. But there’s more to this. Try to avoid wearing tight clothes as it can absorb the tan from your body. Not only will you have less tan on you, but you’ll have a lot more on your clothes too.

When it comes to showering, avoid taking hot showers. I know this sounds like a hard task, but hot showers can actually dry your skin and fade your tan faster.

Dry skin is another enemy to self-tanners. The drier your skin, the faster your tan will fade. To prevent this, make sure to hydrate and moisturize your skin on a daily basis once the tan has been applied.


Check out our Tan Extend Lotion engineered to extend your tan and our other tanning products here:

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